The New Year has begun and in reflecting on the events of the previous 12 months, I wonder once again at how quickly time passes and at how much life experience can be packed into such a short space of time. I was told many years ago that my entire life would be like this because it was necessary for a huge amount of experience to be condensed into a short timeframe.
For example, during 2024, and in addition to working full-time, writing and working on my book, running a monthly Death Café (and of course working on myself), I was also the guardian and carer for a friend who subsequently died in September. In addition to this, I became involved in voluntary work for a not-for-profit startup, actively fought antisemitism, commenced job hunting for a new role and received a diagnosis from a Psychologist that I was neurodivergent (which actually explained a lot). Naturally, by December I was mentally and physically exhausted. I had planned to travel to South Korea for a month’s holiday, however several days prior to the date on which I would have been flying out of Sydney I had a freak accident which severely injured one of my ankles rendering me unable to walk.
Although I knew during the year I was doing far too much and needed to let go of some things, I didn’t. However, higher life with its innate intelligence finally stepped in to save me from myself and pulled the rug out from under my feet quite literally stopping me dead in my tracks. The instant the accident happened, I knew that it was an intended event and not simply a coincidence. And so I chose to surrender, and while I rested my ankle at home and underwent rehabilitation and physiotherapy, I gradually began to let go of people and other things I had attached myself too.
As the awful bruising and swelling gradually disappeared, and I rediscovered the joys of sitting by the seaside, I thought about the New Year and what my goals might be in a greatly modified lifestyle. Of course, the first thing which came up was ‘write’, so one of my new projects is to complete another book I have already started about the impact of after-death-contact on the lives of those experiencing it.
There will be other projects but hopefully not other ‘freak’ accidents, and no doubt the year will unfold as it needs to and while we have no control over the events that occur in our lives, I know we can choose how to respond to them.
The New Year awaits.
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