What is the soul in itself? From an esoteric Christian perspective, soul growth and evolution is one of the driving aims of The Work and of work on oneself. The soul is the function that enables an individual to move toward the Divine; as such, it is an activity, a principle within us. The form of every individual is the pattern of the soul rendered material. It is important to understand that the soul has two sets of force acting upon it, God or the Divine, and matter.
GOD [Affirming]
Soul (reconciles the two)
Matter [Denying]
Matter is inert and non-living. It resists all flexibility and all life and it expresses the energy of denial. The soul is poised between this polarity (which is denying) and the Divine (which is affirming). At every instance the soul is affected by the sheer inertia of matter. To learn, the soul reconciles this two-fold thrust from creation. The soul is an important creation between the Divine and the world, and unless it can move to depths and heights it will not grow or learn. When it reconciles the polarity between the affirming and denying force, it helps make the world function as one whole process.
According to esoteric teachings the soul is formed of the things of love and wisdom given by God. Life, love and wisdom flow in to sustain the pattern of the soul. The soul also needs an instrument of knowing and is given the power to generate this instrument. This instrument of knowing is a spiritual formation, the mind. The mind is capable of knowing the action of life and the impact of wisdom. It can feel the urge of the soul passing through it, something that becomes the individual’s natural drift.
The mind is an individual’s most important function because this is the part that looks up or down. It is the mind that is the instrument of growth and transformation. The destiny of the soul is wrapped up in the mind. People often say that they ‘have a soul’. This is an incorrect statement. People should say, “I am a soul.”
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